Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Childhood Innocense

We have all been young once, well unless you are like Benjamin Button and started life as an old geezer. But anyhow, with every childhood there is always something that you feel is true but when you get older you learn its not. Like knowing that Santa Clause will come down the chimney or the Tooth Fairy will leave you a dollar. Well for me those things are still very true, you cannot shake me to not believe in Santa, or the Tooth Fairy. But when I was younger  there was a piece of my childhood innocence that got destroyed...by a commercial. Here's the story behind that.

I must have been about 6 or 7 years old, I remember that me and my best friend Katie were swinging on my swing set in the back yard. It was a golden afternoon, and the sun was streaming through the leaves of the summer green trees. Every time I swung I leaned back and let my hair fall back and graze the grass below, the wind rippled through my light brown hair loosening my waves and letting them stream free. As I swung back up, not even opening my eyes to say so I said to Katie, "Did you know that wind is good for your hair." It wasn't a question it was a statement, I knew for sure that the wind that blew through my hair with such unwavering fingers must be good for my hair. Katie didn't even bat an eyelash when answering, "Of course it is, that's why our hair is so nice." And we believed it. 
      Then a few months later I was walking through the living room and I heard the television jibbering away some commercial about hair care, and it was listing all the things that were bad for your hair in that monotone voice but that's when I heard something that I didn't like, "Heat, Cold, Wind...." the rest didn't matter, I just heard the wind part  and I nearly dropped my glass of water. I got wide eyed and I looked down at my hair that fell just beyond my shoulders and shined a pretty brown. I felt like crying, it was so unfair, I thought that it was good for my hair. It felt good when it would go through my hair and made it messy yet more pretty. So after that I didn't know what to do with my hair, and after that I got my hair cut in an extremely small bob, and I kept it that way for years. Every time it got "too long" off it would go. But about a year ago or so I thought back to that day and it hit me, the commercial was talking about people whose hair had been dyed, straightened, curled, dried out and frizzed up. They weren't talking about little girls beautiful light and untouched new hair. But when I finally realized this it was a little too late, I've dyed my hair with so many colors that I've forgotten my beautiful light brown. And I've nearly straightened my lovely waves into fried submission. That is when I decided I would not dye my hair ever again, and i would only cut it when it got to a certain point and let my natural curls and waves be and let them be free. Sure they don't always look picture perfect, but when I was little do you think I cared?  

So that is my little story about Childhood Innocence, If you ever had a moment such as that let me know  

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