Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Okay so I have a question, raise your hand if you are normal. Okay now if you say that you raised your hand you are lying. I have found that in my 16 years of glorious life that there is no such thing as normal. But here's the best thing about it, you define your own normal.

Like my "normal" for me is wanting to put hot sauce and lemon juice in my oodles of noodles, you might think that it is absolutely abnormal but its yummy and its normal for me. Its also normal for me to want to write on my jeans! I have one pair of jeans that I've had since the 8th grade that are covered in drawings and notes and even a few passwords to some game sight. But thats not the point, the point is, is that if you wear heavy eye liner and tripp pants and like heavy alternative rock, that is your normal. God knows that's my brothers normal minus the eyeliner.

And another thing, part of you being your normal self is not letting anyone tell you that you should be anything other than yourself. Its a word from the wise, learn it live it. Just like I have seen some people on here describe their close relationships with God, and for the slightest second I thought that maybe I should show some sort of tribute to my Lord and heavenly father but my deal is that God knows that I believe in him, I was born, raised, and baptized as a Catholic. I don't need to convey my religion on my blog. God knows that I am glad that he has given me my blessings and taught me lessons, though our relationship is private. And I vaguely remember from Catholic school that I spent one year at that there is somewhere in the bible that says "If you pray, pray, but you don't have to brag about how much more religious you are than everyone else. I think it said something about praying with the door closed or something like that I just remember that it was a metaphor for knowing that you and God's relationship is yours. But some things I don't even agree with about my religion, like I do not believe that I have to tell a priest about my sins to get forgiveness from God. I know that God knows that I have done wrong and that he forgives me but I also believe that God is a loving and forgiving God and that he has a place in his heart for everyone and that includes people of the gay, lesbian, and bisexual stand point.

But on another foot, I come from a very open and loving family, I don't think that there is anything that someone can tell me that I won't be open to talk about, or discuss. And this for me is normal, I know that I can talk to my parents about things that trouble me, I know that I don't have to talk to some guy through a screen in a wall to relieve me of sin, and I know that I am free to be me because that's all I have to offer the world.

"You are you, that is truer than true, there is no one else in the world who is youer than you" -Dr.Seuss.
Dr.Seuss is my idol, he saw the world for what it was, he knew all the complicated things all came from a simpler form and thats how problems are solved. Like in this quote above answers the most complicated question of all "Who am I?" everyone has asked themselves this question, don't deny it or you are just lying to yourself. But Dr.Seuss was quite clear, there was no nonsense even though nonsense was his specialty "you are you." Don't pretend to be something your not or else you are just denying yourself happiness.

As for me I know who I am, I am Hannah Madolyn Sullivan. I am smart, I can't deny that I answer every question correctly but I will deny that I am always right. I am a girly girl who just so happens to like to wear guys shirts and occasionally their pants. I'm not afraid to admit that I listen to everything from Marilyn Manson to Brittany Spears on my Ipod. I know that I love to talk photos of myself but that's only because I want the next to look better than the last. I'm not afraid to admit that sometimes I get lonely, and scared. I'm real, I know who I am, I don't want to paint a perfect little picture of who I want you to see, I'm going to use all my shades of my personality, good and bad, I'm not afraid to show my scars because I know that someone else has had it a lot worse. But most of all I'm not afraid to know when I need to be hugged. Hugged? yes hugged arms around me not some pitiful half arm around my shoulders a real hug, with arms and warmth. If you have ever asked for one from me you know that I give them and they are never fake. But if you really know me, you know that I am seriously disappointed by a half second half hug. You want to know me just ask :)

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